It has come to my attention that along with the 'outstanding' evidence associated with my current circumstance, which I have explained in detail to Miss Maureen Craney, however partial it may be, there is even more concrete evidence that refutes the claim that I have previously made.
The new evidence I have come upon, at first glance and via brief observation, allows myself to conclude that there may be a 'conspiracy' involving myself and anyone associated with me, including my supposed biological sister who I will not name.
I believe 'Zuri Hall' is a grotesque example of what is occurring or has occurred to myself and is being used to manipulate either myself or my family for the purpose of covering illicit activity throughout the time frame of most probably the last 5 years. The setting is within Lafayette, Indiana and / or the United States as a whole. The illicit activity I write of may be, or is, fostered through voyeurism / 'gang-stalking'. I believe 'Zuri Hall' is a clone / feigned scenario of what actually happened to myself: the misrepresentation of a person through 'mock-acting'. In my case, the voyeurism most probably produced evidence, videos or records, of myself, instead of an 'actor'.
To put it simply, I am most probably irate, highly dissapointed at the behavior of certain people within my community, what I call a 'village', and question or wonder why this kind of activity was allowed in the first place, and perhaps, why it continues.
To Miss Craney, I leave you with the following persons' contact information, respective to their association with myself, whether they personally emailed me or were listed publicly online.
Erica L. King
'Supposed 'micro-loan' 'investor' for John Edward Hall, XJ Randall, XJ Corps.
phone: 7733412072
Zuri Hall (who I believe is an 'actress')
Please contact me for further explanation.
John Edward Hall
XJ Randall
XJ Corps