300 Shire Way
Lexington, MA 02421
From XJ Randall | John Edward Hall:
300 Shire Way
Lexington, MA 02421
From XJ Randall | John Edward Hall:
Sunday 31 May 2015
16:44 EST
I love your product, Adderall XR, and it has changed my life in drastic and positive ways. Therefore, it would be a tragedy to not be able to use the product ever again, knowing that I am a young 27 year old who has produced a lucrative venture that most likely will survive even after I pass. That is my company, XJ Corps (pronounced, "EX-JAY CORE"), and my Master Thesis, "The Master Idea".
Considering the limitations I am up against, I am asking for your help to secure myself with a life time supply of Adderall XR. It would only seem reasonable to do so, because under logic, it is unreasonable to reject someone's request for help simply because of popular superstition or belief.
I use your product in professional and responsible ways that have already changed the face of technology and knowledge as we know it. It would be a blessing if I could continue to use it and continue to realize and complete the answers that can not only help myself, but the rest of the world as well.
Do you need evidence...? Please, check my portfolio that is mostly online: A collection of unique ideas, realizations, and products that, I'm afraid if you do not help me, will have been made in vain and will never be made again.
Check the links below:
My professional blog:
Adderall has helped me realize most of these ideas, that with your help, many of which will be patented and produced.
Adderall has helped me build this site.
The First Mechanical Medium under XJ Corps:
Adderall has helped me build this small yet efficient program, along with more complex programs under my company, XJ Corps.
Another 'sample' program (network).
XJ Corps and XJ Randall Twitter profile(s):
XJ Corps Facebook Profile:
Other links associated with my use of Adderall:
It is imperative that you understand my want and need for your product and that being barred from using it because of a psychiatrist's opinion is ethically or morally wrong, especially when so much GOOD can come from using it. It would be a waste of outstanding potential that may never be realized again in the history of the world as we know it.
The prospects are unprecedented. I have notified and directed you to an apparent evidence that must not be ignored. It is now your responsibility, under your powers, to help bring my request to fruition. I await to hear from you soon, and I will remain optimistic about the outcome of my contact with you. I hope you will do the same.
You should contact me at my professional email address, that is named after my company:
For an additional, 'loose' reference about my current situation and why I have contacted Shire Pharmaceuticals, you may also go to this link:
Remember: An opportunity like this may only happen once in ETERNITY. The world is watching. The future is not technology, it is the way we use it.
XJ Randall
John Edward Hall
XJ Corps
313 Perrin Avenue
Lafayette, IN 47901

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