House 29 © 2014 XJ Corps
Social Dysfunction: Evil and the Perception of STDs
by XJ Randall
Sunday 14 June 2015
19:46 EST
Often times I hear what people say. I hear the ideas that concern what people say, and I notice that sometimes the logic that created those ideas is flawed. When it comes to understanding diseases and 'supposed' disorders and the popular connotation or view of them, it seems that the dogma in their sphere of influence needs to be altered or corrected. This would apparently be true in the mental health and health 'industries' of the United States. In this brief explanation, I intend to address and correct a certain category of this argument, a social stigma known as, "sexually transmitted diseases", or 'STDs'.
Our history has shown a pattern and inequality that will lead to innovation. A brief and logical analysis of the current situation, from our past, allows an educated and open minded individual to argue that a (or 'the') sexual stigma exists because of and for 'illicit' purposes: a power and control complex that is rooted in the nature and/or 'spirit' of evil. Because it is what one does that defines who they are and sometimes who they are is what defines the nature of the definition.
Evil is a seemingly harmless remark, simply because it was done in vain. It counters health, or goodness, which refers to the way we are able to heal ourselves or adapt after 'anti-survival'. A large part of the populous behave in a fashion that is not ethically or morally healthy for the social status of the United States. The underlying problem that we deal with is not the physical disorder(s). It is not AIDS, HIV, HERPES, or any other sexually transmitted disease. These are symptoms of the actual disorder, a sexual dysfunction existing beneath the surface of societal activity that affects everything above it. This implies that the root of the symptom is a disorder of a corrupt and immaterial social 'mind'.
Thus, an immaterial problem requires an immaterial solution. We start by getting to the root. In order to cure an acne, a cancer, we change our diet, our 'blood chemistry'. In order to change a bad habit, we change our thought process. We perceive a situation in a different way. We change our social mind.
From the day we are born we begin to die. This 'transition' is likely the most infamous inevitability that we cannot escape. It is appropriate to blame a person for killing with a weapon. It is appropriate to charge that person with a grievance. But to blame a person, to be evil to a person for the inevitability that is not in their control is not appropriate, not right, and not even logical. Evil was not created by man. It was found by man and used by man to control man. And man using evil must not know that Evil is the one using man.
If you ask me in person, I will tell you what I know to be true in my heart. In this paper, I decline to explain what I mean when I say that the United States is "gravely disabled" when it comes to correcting the 'homosexual-evil' pervading the weapon that is the broadcasting media. However, people are people, and as people, according to law, they have the right to pursue happiness. Honestly, sex is like any other pursuit and in action is like any other happiness. People should not be tortured for an evil they did not create just because they chose to fulfill their right to pursue that happiness. I think it is easy to understand what I mean when I say this.
To behave evil is to be evil itself. In solution, we should know that just because one has a disease, regardless of what type or kind of disease it is, it is not the disease that makes that person evil. His or her actions are what should be accounted for and our actions should be based off of this truth. Consequently, the only disorder or disease we should fear is evil itself.
XJ Randall
John Edward Hall
XJ Corps
313 Perrin Avenue #3
Lafayette, IN 47904
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Message to Tom Cruise
Saturday 13 June 2015
15:54 EST
Dear Mr. Cruise,
Please help me protect and fund my copyrighted research and technology. Specifically, I was wondering if you could pay me to write a book or if you could act as a funds donor or angel investor.
Usually, most days I seem to have a niche for finding interesting information about technology, not to mention being the author and creator of my own. There is so much information and I have a unique insight into it, including my own experiences. I feel that having someone fund what is a passion and job for me would motivate me to continue finding and documenting information and ideas that might otherwise not be known ever, for the rest of the history of the world.
I have a comical-ironic or humorous style of writing as well as a technical style of writing. You can view a small portion of my ideas on my blog, "10jackofhearts" or on my twitter account, under my company "XJ Corps".
Right now I am working on a "XJ Corps Telepathic Phone Network". I don't suppose you could help me buy a new laptop could you...? I am living off of social security income and food stamps, yet the ideas I create and invest time in seem to be underfunded, under compensated, or under protected. Considering all else that has occurred, that might be an understatement.
I am sure that my ideas are very attractive to associates who wish to use them for financial gain (whether they asked my permission to use them or not). If you would like to know more about me or my technology or ideas, you can contact me at my email address: You can also write me a letter at my address below.
I will be optimistic about the outcome of the future and I hope you will invest in my company. If not, could you please forward this message to someone who will...?
XJ Randall
John Edward Hall
XJ Corps
313 Perrin Avenue #3
Lafayette, IN 47904
15:54 EST
Dear Mr. Cruise,
Please help me protect and fund my copyrighted research and technology. Specifically, I was wondering if you could pay me to write a book or if you could act as a funds donor or angel investor.
Usually, most days I seem to have a niche for finding interesting information about technology, not to mention being the author and creator of my own. There is so much information and I have a unique insight into it, including my own experiences. I feel that having someone fund what is a passion and job for me would motivate me to continue finding and documenting information and ideas that might otherwise not be known ever, for the rest of the history of the world.
I have a comical-ironic or humorous style of writing as well as a technical style of writing. You can view a small portion of my ideas on my blog, "10jackofhearts" or on my twitter account, under my company "XJ Corps".
Right now I am working on a "XJ Corps Telepathic Phone Network". I don't suppose you could help me buy a new laptop could you...? I am living off of social security income and food stamps, yet the ideas I create and invest time in seem to be underfunded, under compensated, or under protected. Considering all else that has occurred, that might be an understatement.
I am sure that my ideas are very attractive to associates who wish to use them for financial gain (whether they asked my permission to use them or not). If you would like to know more about me or my technology or ideas, you can contact me at my email address: You can also write me a letter at my address below.
I will be optimistic about the outcome of the future and I hope you will invest in my company. If not, could you please forward this message to someone who will...?
XJ Randall
John Edward Hall
XJ Corps
313 Perrin Avenue #3
Lafayette, IN 47904
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Letter to the Tenants
Tuesday 9 June 2015
15:34 EST
To who(m) it may concern:
Hello, my name is John Edward Randall (Hall). I may have introduced myself to you in person and explained that I am a new tenant in the house at 313 Perrin Avenue.
To tell you a little about myself, I am a musician, a computer programmer, and a business owner. I value honesty and righteousness. Because of this, if I have a grievance, I may choose to tell you about it in person or by letter. I might occasionally do something that you might not agree with. If this is the case, feel free to be as honest, approachable, and/or conversant with me as I am with you.
My apartment number is 3. You may knock on my door or send me a letter. For serious inquiries you may also contact me at my professional email:
I hope that our acquaintance will be in good fortune.
XJ Randall
John Edward Hall
XJ Corps
313 Perrin Avenue #3
Lafayette, IN 47904
Sunday, May 31, 2015
XJ Corps | User Contract
© 2014 XJ Corps, John Edward Hall (Randall)
© 2014 XJ Corps, John Edward Hall (Randall)
1.) ■ INTRO
Hello! Thanks for taking interest in my work...! I have never written a contract before so I had some help from various sources as I tried to emulate them. Please bare with me, this is the best I could do up to this point, but hopefully, it IS to the point. I don't know legal jargon but this should suffice for my needs as of lately. I haven't hidden anything; it's all pretty much straight forward. Use my ideas responsibly and enjoy...!
'XJ Randall' is the pseudonym, or pen name, of John Edward Hall (Randall). XJ Corps is a sole proprietorship, the name of the company or business, entity, and seller of the products and ideas from the person XJ Randall, created and owned by the person XJ Randall. For serious inquiries, XJ Randall can be contacted via e-mail:
'XJ PRODUCT(S)' are defined as work, ideas, websites, and/or software by XJ Corps. By 'INTERACTING WITH', or otherwise using, viewing, or purchasing, XJ PRODUCT(S), you, 'THE USER', are agreeing to a binding contract with XJ Corps according and adherent to the United States of America or your country of residence. If you are uncomfortable with this, it is essential to discontinue INTERACTING WITH XJ PRODUCT(S).
At any time, in the present or future, the contents of this agreement are subject to change and will be changed without notice. You are not liable for these changes, unless you INTERACT WITH XJ PRODUCT(S).
This agreement is a legal agreement between you, 'THE BUYER' (either an individual or a single entity) and XJ Corps, which includes ALL symbols and artwork, documentation and/or software contained in XJ PRODUCT(S) at the time of purchase. This is a contract for the sale of XJ PRODUCT(S), also known as 'THE IDEA', respective to its title or name at the time of purchase: that is the material, work, and/or intellectual or artistic property, or other things permissible as copyrighted by XJ Corps, according and adherent to Copyright Law of the United States. By purchasing, copying, or otherwise using THE IDEA, you, THE BUYER, agree to be bound by the terms of this PURCHASING AGREEMENT.
THE BUYER agrees to pay a one time fee at the time of purchase for the ownership and possession of THE IDEA, not including the ownership of the respective copyright(s).
Excluding the copyright(s), XJ Corps agrees to grant THE BUYER clear title to and full possession of THE IDEA, respective to its title or name at the time of purchase, for the consideration of a total of $129.00, or greater or lesser value according to THE IDEA, to be paid in a one-time payment, electronically via 'Pay Pal', that is
Permission is thereby granted, at the time of purchase or thereafter, to THE BUYER obtaining a copy of THE IDEA, respective to its title or name, to deal in THE IDEA without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub-license, and/or sell copies of THE IDEA, and to permit persons to whom THE IDEA is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of THE IDEA.
THE IDEA is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event shall XJ Corps, the author, seller, or copyright holder be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in, connection with THE IDEA or the use or other dealings in THE IDEA.
'Hacking','Viruses', or otherwise 'MALICIOUS' intent or code used to INTERACT WITH XJ PRODUCT(S) before purchase is liable for CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. 'MALICIOUS' does not have to be intentional. You are responsible for XJ PRODUCT(S) while INTERACTING WITH it. Should conflicts arise, XJ Corps is not responsible for the way XJ PRODUCT(S) are INTERACTED WITH, at any time.
Some XJ PRODUCT(S) are made to be messed with. However, should a third party application be used to INTERACT WITH XJ PRODUCT(S), thereafter, XJ Corps is not responsible for the interference with the quality of XJ PRODUCT(S), or for any damages that might occur to XJ PRODUCT(S) or occur to the means of INTERACTING WITH XJ PRODUCT(s), or for any damages to THE USER, person, people, or entities affected by THE USER INTERACTING WITH XJ PRODUCT(S).
XJ Corps is not responsible for refunds. If you buy it, you bought it. However, if you are committed enough to get a refund, the appropriate delegates to barter with are those at the Pay Pal hotline.
By INTERACTING WITH XJ PRODUCT(S), you, THE USER, agree to not infringe upon the rights of others and expect others to do the same.
You agree to discontinue INTERACTING WITH XJ PRODUCT(S) if you are not satisfied or do not agree with this contract.
Automatically Signed,
XJ Corps
Letter to Shire
300 Shire Way
Lexington, MA 02421
From XJ Randall | John Edward Hall:
300 Shire Way
Lexington, MA 02421
From XJ Randall | John Edward Hall:
Sunday 31 May 2015
16:44 EST
I love your product, Adderall XR, and it has changed my life in drastic and positive ways. Therefore, it would be a tragedy to not be able to use the product ever again, knowing that I am a young 27 year old who has produced a lucrative venture that most likely will survive even after I pass. That is my company, XJ Corps (pronounced, "EX-JAY CORE"), and my Master Thesis, "The Master Idea".
Considering the limitations I am up against, I am asking for your help to secure myself with a life time supply of Adderall XR. It would only seem reasonable to do so, because under logic, it is unreasonable to reject someone's request for help simply because of popular superstition or belief.
I use your product in professional and responsible ways that have already changed the face of technology and knowledge as we know it. It would be a blessing if I could continue to use it and continue to realize and complete the answers that can not only help myself, but the rest of the world as well.
Do you need evidence...? Please, check my portfolio that is mostly online: A collection of unique ideas, realizations, and products that, I'm afraid if you do not help me, will have been made in vain and will never be made again.
Check the links below:
My professional blog:
Adderall has helped me realize most of these ideas, that with your help, many of which will be patented and produced.
Adderall has helped me build this site.
The First Mechanical Medium under XJ Corps:
Adderall has helped me build this small yet efficient program, along with more complex programs under my company, XJ Corps.
Another 'sample' program (network).
XJ Corps and XJ Randall Twitter profile(s):
XJ Corps Facebook Profile:
Other links associated with my use of Adderall:
It is imperative that you understand my want and need for your product and that being barred from using it because of a psychiatrist's opinion is ethically or morally wrong, especially when so much GOOD can come from using it. It would be a waste of outstanding potential that may never be realized again in the history of the world as we know it.
The prospects are unprecedented. I have notified and directed you to an apparent evidence that must not be ignored. It is now your responsibility, under your powers, to help bring my request to fruition. I await to hear from you soon, and I will remain optimistic about the outcome of my contact with you. I hope you will do the same.
You should contact me at my professional email address, that is named after my company:
For an additional, 'loose' reference about my current situation and why I have contacted Shire Pharmaceuticals, you may also go to this link:
Remember: An opportunity like this may only happen once in ETERNITY. The world is watching. The future is not technology, it is the way we use it.
XJ Randall
John Edward Hall
XJ Corps
313 Perrin Avenue
Lafayette, IN 47901

Monday, May 18, 2015
New Email
"Greeting, my name is Charles O'Brien,
an Internal bank Auditor, I am contacting you in reference
to a dormant account (US$6.8 Million Dollars)
which belong to our deceased client
Eng. Diman Randall. Please, reply back to this offer,
through my private email address
for more details"
an Internal bank Auditor, I am contacting you in reference
to a dormant account (US$6.8 Million Dollars)
which belong to our deceased client
Eng. Diman Randall. Please, reply back to this offer,
through my private email address
for more details"
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Message to
Monday 18 May 2015
01:32 EST
If you do not stop the person(s) terrorizing me via your website, I will seek prosecution against you or your website,, by any means possible.
This is a warning. Please take it seriously.
XJ Randall
John Edward Hall
XJ Corps
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